Returns information about the ids and attributes of features of the given vector layer. If geometry is `TRUE, retrieves their geodata as well.

mapLayer.getFeatures(layer = NULL, geometry = FALSE, fid = NULL,
  rect = NULL, expr = NULL, ...)



layer (or ID of the layer) from which features should be retrieved. If not specified, defaults to the layer currently selected in QGIS.


if TRUE, return the features' geometry data on top of the attribute information


the feature ID of the feature to retrieve


boundary rectangle from which features should be retrieved (numeric vector of length four: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)


a QGIS filter expression


low-level parameters (such as host and auth) to be passed on to qgisremote()


If geometry is FALSE: a data frame of all features and their attributes, with the data frame's row names giving the respective QGIS-internal feature ids. If geometry is TRUE: a data frame of class sf.