Add a new raster layer to QGIS.
iface.addRasterLayer(x, layerName = NULL, ...) # S3 method for RasterBrick iface.addRasterLayer(x, layerName = NULL, format = "GTiff", ...) # S3 method for RasterLayer iface.addRasterLayer(x, layerName = NULL, format = "GTiff", ...) # S3 method for RasterStack iface.addRasterLayer(x, layerName = NULL, format = "GTiff", ...) # S3 method for list iface.addRasterLayer(x = list(url = NULL, layers = NULL, styles = NULL, format = "image/svg", crs = "EPSG:4326"), layerName = NULL, providerKey = "wms", ...) # S3 method for default iface.addRasterLayer(x, layerName = NULL, providerKey = NULL, ...)
x | a QGIS provider string, named list, or an instance of one of the
layerName | name for the new layer to be displayed in the QGIS layers panel (will be filled by an appropriate default if missing) |
... | low-level parameters (such as |
format | the format (only applicable when |
providerKey | QGIS provider key (only applicable when |
A representation of the layer just added (a list of class qgislayer()
If x
is an instance of one of the raster
object classes, transfers that
data to QGIS via a HTTP POST request. If the raster data is not currently
stored on disk, it first needs to (temporarily) write it to disk in the
specified format
(default GeoTiff).
: When passed a named list
, compiles a WMS service provider string based on
the named options found in the list, and tries to add this as a raster
layer. This function provides an easy way to add a specific WMS layer
without having to select it manually through the QGIS user interface. Which
named options are necessary will depend on the WMS service, but in most
cases the list will at the very least require entries for the url
, crs
as well as layers
and corresponding styles
(see examples below).
: When passed a simple character string, it is assumed to be a QGIS provider
string, such as one pointing to a WMS url, or also a local file if you are
connecting to an instance of QGIS on the same machine. A new layer with this
provider string is added to QGIS without any transfer of data through the
Network API plugin.
, iface.addVectorLayer()
, qgislayer()
, mapLayer()
, mapLayers()
# add OSM tile raster layer iface.addRasterLayer('type=xyz&url={z}/{x}/{y}.png', providerKey = 'wms')#> QGIS map layer with the following properties: #> crs: CRS arguments: #> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 #> +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs #> valid: [1] TRUE #> name: [1] "" #> extent: [1] -20037508 -20037508 20037508 20037508 #> publicSource: [1] "type=xyz&url={z}/{x}/{y}.png" #> type: [1] 1 #> id: [1] "20170830121432272" #> isEditable: [1] FALSE# named lists are treated as WMS service specifications iface.addRasterLayer(list(url = '', layers = 'composition_co_300hpa', styles = 'sh_all_o3_300hpa', format = 'image/svg+xml', crs = 'EPSG:4326'), 'Ozone layer (no pun intended)')#> QGIS map layer with the following properties: #> crs: CRS arguments: #> +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 #> valid: [1] TRUE #> name: [1] "Ozone layer (no pun intended)" #> extent: [1] -180 -90 180 90 #> publicSource: [1] "" #> type: [1] 1 #> id: [1] "Ozone_layer__no_pun_intended_20170830121432440" #> isEditable: [1] FALSE